The Development of Problem-Based Learning Management to Promote Competence, Systematic Thinking and Life Skills for Prathom 5 Students

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Putsadee Petsila
Karanphon Wiwathamongkon
Supalak Satpretpry


The objectives of this research are to develop problem-based learning management. Integrate local content for grade 5 students and compare learning outcomes. before and after school and to study the ability to think systematically and to study the life skills competence of students in grade 5 The sample group is grade 5 students at Ban Sra Tuei Phatthana School, Nong Son Sub-district, Lao Khwan District, Kanchanaburi Province. 17 students studying in the academic year 2021 were qualified by simple random sampling or random drawing. The research instrument was the 5 lesson plans having a consistency index of 1.00, the 40 items parallel exam which was used in both pre-test and post-test Difficulty = 0.68 and Discrimination = 0.51, systematic thinking ability assessment form, and life skills assessment form. The content validity was between 0.80–1.00. The analysis of the data includes the conformity index values. Difficulty discriminant power, mean, and standard deviation The statistical significance level was set at 0.05. Results that:

  1. Learning creation by using problems as a base for integrating local knowledge consists of 1) Understand the problem 2) Identify the problem key information 3) Brainstorm from the knowledge they have 4) Analyze the problem 5) Determine the object of problem solving 6) Do self-learning experiment 7) Report the problem solving result.

  2. Comparison of learning outcomes after school was significantly higher than before the course at 0.05.

  3. The systemic thinking ability of the grade 5 student is at a good level.

  4. The student's life skills have a higher average.

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