Operation Guidelines for the Formative Assessment of 21st Century Skills for Hearing Impaired Students: School for the Deaf, Southern Thailand

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Jongkon Buakaew
Sophon Chaiwatthanakunwanich


The research aims to study the conditions and needs of formative assessment in 21st century skills for hearing impaired students and develop the formative assessment in 21st century skills’ operation guidelines for hearing impaired students. The target groups are 106 educational institution administrators and teachers, as well as a group of 9 experts. The tools used in this research consisted of conditions and Needs Assessment questionnaires for Skills Development in the 21st century, interview form and Formative Assessment Development Skills in 21st century assessment form. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNIModified index.

The results of this research showed that: 1) The conditions and needs of Formative Assessment Skills in 21st Century for Hearing Impaired Students with the highest hearing impairment were learners owning their learning, followed by setting learning objectives and successful criteria, activating students as instructional resources for one another, feedback recommendations for effective learning, and finding evidence of learning success and 2) the Formative Assessment Skills in 21st Century operation guidelines for Hearing Impaired Students, School for the Deaf, Southern Thailand at the educational institutions and class levels were the most appropriate and be able to practical application at a high level. The guideline with the highest average at the school level was educational institutions should have a workshop or review their knowledge about assessment for formative assessment development and should have a learning exchange between teachers for design learning activities that involves students in setting goals of learning and self-assessment criteria.

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