An Analysis of Sangha Organizational Management in the Buddha’s Lifetime

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Phramaha Supawat Boonthong
Prapan Supasorn
Songvit Kaeosri


The research entitled “An Analysis of Sangha Organizational Management in the Buddha’s Lifetime” consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate concepts and theories of organizational management in the present time; 2) to explore the principles of organizational management in the Buddha’s lifetime; and 3) to analyze the principles of Sanga organizational management in the Buddha’s lifetime. The study applied qualitative research as well as focus group and presented by descriptive method. From the study, the following results are found: 1) “POSDCoRB” principle which consists of planning, organizational management, staff management, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budget; “SWOT” analysis of the organizational environment which comprises strengths and weaknesses of internal environment, as well as opportunities and threats of external environment. 2) Organization management according to the management principle "POSDCoRB" The Lord Buddha planned both short-term and long-term religious evangelism. establishing the foundation for disciplinary precepts for the stability of religion assigning suitable persons to perform duties coordination part The report was a collaboration between the disciples. Keep reporting on various matters to improve, correct and follow up on a daily basis. 3) The SWOT of the Sangha Organization in the Buddha's time is (1) strengths include the Buddha, the Dhamma and the noble monks (2) the weaknesses include the monks who are still ordinary people (3) opportunities include the social environment of the Indian Subcontinent during the Buddha's time (4) Obstacles include Brahmanism, Zen religion and the cult of the 6 teachers. There are three approaches to the management of the Thai Sangha Organization in modern times: 1) restructuring the existing Sangha Administration and adding new units; 2) amending the Sangha Act. and 3) Sangha education reform to develop efficiency of Sangha parents.

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