The Analyzing the Pandaka as the third gender in Buddhism

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Ratanakorn Satta-ariyasub


Article on the analyzing the Pandaka as the third gender in Buddhism, it has two objectives: 1) the Pandaka and the third gender in Buddhismthe, 2) the analyzing the Pandaka as the third gender in Buddhism. The results showed that Pandaka in Buddhism Refers to a human being that is not a man or a woman, has a thick desire, has a strong desire unknown when being taken over by lust. There are five types of Pandaka, 1) Asit Pandaka, 2) Usuiy Pandaka, 3) Opakkamiya Pandaka, 4) Pakka Pandaka, 5) Napungsaka Pandaka. The third gender refers to a group of people of different genders or gay LGBTQ is a group of people with a gender identity or sexual orientation that is different from that of most people in society. The analyzing the Pandaka as the third gender in Buddhism as follows: 1) homosexual group The homosexual group consists of Asit Pandaka socializing with gay, Pakka Pandaka socializing with gay queen 2) Usui Pandaka socializing with unnatural 3) The group has no sex symbol consists of Opakkmiya Pandaka and Napungsoka Pandaka. What is interesting is Pandaka that (1) Asit Pandaka and Type (2) Usuya Pandaka that can be ordained as for the type (4) Pakkha Pandaka can be ordained on a no lust day. As for the type of Pandaka that cannot be ordained, the types (3) and (5) are those who are castrated or have a gender dysphoria.  

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