The processing of Enhancing Youth with Buddhist Dharma

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Wichanchai Boonsang


This article aims to study the process of enhancing youths with Buddhist principles. By qualitative study, it was found that Thai society was competitive for benefit. They ignore about morals and ethics as a result, young people are unable to adjust to the rapid changes. This has resulted in unfavorable behavior of the youth. There was a problem of lack of morality. More ethical and complex. This will make it difficult to strengthen and instill morals and ethics in youth. Bringing morals and religions to life in society to proceed properly. The synergies of Houses, Temples and Schools must be promoted to be the center of mental development, discipline, morality and ethics of youth. Including to benefit and participate in social development Encourage the right education and practice of religious principles. The application of the principles is for good leadership. and important teachings of the Buddha that show the characteristics of a good leader or the way of being a good leader to be used as a guideline for implementation, such as the Threefold Training, Sangkhha Watthu 4, Itthibaht 4.

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