A Comparative Study of Buddhist Prayer and Muslim Prayer for Peaceful Coexistence: A Case Study of the Nong-Chok Community, Bangkok

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Phrabaideeka Kritsada Katapuñño
Naddhira Sridee


This article aimed to study to compare of Buddhist prayer and Muslim prayer for peaceful coexistence. This article is a qualitative study by studying and collecting data from religious scriptures was related to research papers and interviewing the target audiences. The research results were found as follows. There are two extreme parts of prayer is 1) The original purposes of prayer were to be instilled for study of people, and 2) As it can be generated wisdom. In Buddhists are believed that the prayer can be leading to the right path. For Muslim prayer is one of many important provisions in Islam that Muslims must obey and must be covenanted. It’s a praise of honor, supplication and asking for forgiveness from Allah. It can be seen that Buddhist prayer and Muslim prayer are continuations or connection between religions and devotees. For differentiating of both prayers are; Today Buddhists prayer really was deviated direction to be a sacred thing, and it is being holiness instead. As for the Muslim prayer, it also aims to sacrifice the love and faith onto Allah. The value and influence of Buddhist prayer and worship of the Allah’s kindness implied to show on duties of them owns the best, and they are also not interfering with other people’s duties, by this cause the principle of spreading kindness was used by Buddhists. As for Islam, it talks about taking care of others and completed understanding of others. For the different implications, it is a practice within the framework of each religion itself. The praying of Buddhists and Muslim prayer are the way of creating learning in the community by sharing in each multi religions to achieve mutual learnings. By this way is created by more mutual understanding and to create mental immunity for children since they were young. In order to learn the religious principles of their own religion by understanding, and they also need to learn other religions to be enlightened, in order to behave properly and did not interfere with other people’s beliefs.

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