Leadership of School Principal in New Normal Age

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Anchittha Chiangniyom
Waranya Yindee
Mattana Wangthanomsak


New Normal Age, living normal life in a new way causing rapid changes in the present. From the situation of the corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic affecting the lives of everyone in society and in all sectors. In the education sector, there has been a big adjustment in the management of learning using distance technology for students. Therefore, school principal an important role in meeting the learning needs of students in the New Normal Age. Leadership of school principal in educational institutions in order to effectively achieve the objectives and goals of the organization.

The leadership of school principal in the New Normal Age is to have a broader vision of current changes. Interact with teachers, students and parents. Depending on the situation in each region, various government and private sector institutions will help reduce the risk of the corona virus 2019 (COVID-19). Student centered learning management is as follows: 1. Implementing curricula, adapting to the situation. 2. Adjusting the measurement and evaluating student learning outcomes. Due to differences in students by using various measurement tools suitable for each student. 3. Integrated teaching and learning management with the use of technology. 4. A learning resource for students to use for real and effective use. 5. Continually develop teachers and educational personnel. 6. Provide opportunities for teachers, parents, students, and communities to share their opinions and solve problems together.

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