Buddhist Ethics on Killing with the case of death penalty

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Phra Tanakit Khemathammo
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


This article presents the concept of Buddhist ethics in the case of the death penalty. The objective is to study the concept and analysis of panatibat in Buddhist ethics versus the concept of international theory base on the death penalty. The results of the study showed that Buddhist ethics aims to use non oppression as a guarantee of social peace. The death penalty is the highest penalty level to punish on prisoners live. It is a legal process in which the state punishes a person who commits a crime by means of various method to destroy life or to kill, on the purpose of eliminate the perpetrator from society completely. Whether or not the execution was a panatipat. There is a diagnostic criterion regarding the killing of animals according to Buddhist principles that having the intent to kill is a panatibat, on the contrary, there is no intent to kill, not counting as a panatibat.

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