An Influence of Appamadadhamma Doctrine on the coping with COVID-19

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Sirigorn Singhol


This article has two objectives to study a concept of Appamadadhamma Doctrine and to critically analyze an influence of Appamadadhamma doctrine on the coping with COVID-19. This article employed the documentary research methodology. In the research, it was found that a concept of Appamadadhamma with epistemological approach presented to know information by the mindfulness because perception in Buddhism refers to the external world. Actually, humans perceive the external world through their senses is considered to be directly understanding the world, such as the Buddha and the Arhat. In the other word, worldly person could understand everything by sensation. The ethical approach is to use mindfulness to determine what happens to us and to use effort to cure health when the disease occurs to oneself.

          In the COVID-19, non-negligence used to understand many information in news carefully of diseases and treatments them. In ethical approach, it occurs in living both in terms of acknowledging that physical disease is important to the mind and insight practice, it is necessary to be mindfulness and to maintain a strong physical and mental health which not to be depressed and ready to resolve problems by myself.

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