The Identity Extraction of Natural and Cultural Landscape Through the Color Valuation for Designing the Color Palettes of Nakorn Ratchasima Province

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Prapatsorn Chobchuen
Pradiphat Lerrujdumrongkul


This research article aims to study about natural landscape, cultural landscape, and way of life of Nakhon Ratchasima Province leading to the process of color’s identity extraction to design the identity color palette of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, including the creation of visual communication art from the palette. This research is quasi-experimental method by documentary studying, field studying, and collecting samples of raw materials into the process of identity extracting by color extraction and color valuation, and color palette design. The result is use for the furthering graphic design process and art creation processes that can communicate the area’s identity. This will lead to the creation of conservative value for the area of Nakhon Ratchasima.

The study found that The Mun River is a natural resource that plays a very important role for the local people both in the context of their way of life and their culture. The extraction of soil and stone materials in the Mun River have a wide range of shades. A natural brown pigment with a variety of shades can be obtained. In the process of color valuation to design the palette of identity, the researchers selected six shades with different tones and weights to create a color palette named 'Lum Mun' consisting of Black Clay, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Brown, Yellow Clay and Sandy Soil. Each shade in the palette is designed to be used by artists and designers in their further design and artworks that meets the requirements of the art composition, whether it is a dimension of balance, rhythmic, emphasis, unity, and harmony. In the creation of visual communication, the artworks can bring emotions, empathy, and aesthetic perception of the audiences.

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