The Factors for Driving National Strategy on Education of Educational Service Area Office

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Sanguan Inrak


This study was a descriptive research where applying mix method receive research design. The purposes of this study were to identifying: 1) the factors for driving national strategy on education of Educational Service Area Office, and 2) the confirmations of the factors for driving national strategy on education of Educational service area office. The population of this study were 245 educational service area office composed of 183 primary educational service area offices and 62 secondary educational service area office. The sample was determined by Krejcie and Morgan table. The stratified random sampling was used to get the sample. The samples determined by the proportion from each part of Thailand; 37 offices from Central Part, 11 offices from East Part, 11 offices from West Part, 21 offices from north part, 48 offices from North East Part, and 24 offices from South Part, with a total of 152 offices. The respondents from each office composed of a director, a deputy director, a head of policy and planning section, totally 3 respondents from each office, with a total of 456 respondents.

The findings of this study revealed that: 1. The factors for driving national strategy on education of Educational Service Area Office composed of 6 factors: 1) Formulating team work systematically, 2) Setting action plan that covers all aspects and is flexibility, 3) Applying innovation and information technology in managing and monitoring effectively, 4) Developing the Promote the personnel who responsible in policy implementation, 5) Stimulating the cooperative and understanding among the team work., and 6) Setting a system of faire and equilibrium in budgeting.  2. The confirmation of factors and the factors for driving national strategy on education of Educational Service Area Office found out that all experts had consensus opinion on 6 factors were accuracy, appropriately, possibility, and utility.

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