The Guidelines for the Conservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts at Wat Khongkharam, Photharam District, Ratchaburi Province

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PhrakruSantayaphirat (Santi Santikaro)
Santi Pakdeekham
Wimonmarn Somkana


This research article is intended for. 1) examine the importance of palm leaf manuscripts; 2) investigate the process of preserving and conserving palm leaf manuscripts; and 3) propose approaches for the preservation and conservation of palm leaf manuscripts at Wat Kongkaram in Ratchaburi Province. Using the concept of manuscript conservation. The concept of utthibatdhamma in the conservation of manuscripts and PDCA in the conservation of manuscripts as a research framework Key informants include monks, folk philosophers, or ancient scripture scholars. cultural scholar research tools in-depth interview Data were analyzed using the triangular technique. write a descriptive narrative.

          The results showed that 1. Importance, process, steps and guidelines for preserving Manuscript Manuscripts of Kongkaram Temple Ratchaburi Province The importance of the Manuscript of Wat Gangaram is divided into: (1) The importance of Buddhism. (2) Importance of history (3) Importance of community culture (4) Importance of community wisdom 2. The process of preserving manuscripts of Wat Kongkararam Ratchaburi province can be divided into 5 aspects, namely (1) the process of inscription of manuscripts (2) wrapping of manuscripts (3) labeling manuscripts (4) tying manuscript ropes (5) location and equipment ancient scripture storage. In this research, there are suggestions for utilization as follows: 1) Encourage monks to and the public to participate in the process of conserving the palm leaf Scriptures. and government organizations participated in creating the model and the process of conserving palm leaf scriptures. 3) In conserving palm leaf scriptures All sectors are involved as a community agenda and to build a community identity.

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