Yonisomanasikara Thinking Affecting the Decision of Studying Graduate School Faculty of Education Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Ayutthaya

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Waranya Kattiya
Chartchai Phitaktanakhom
Sayyud Mererk


This Article aimed to study (1) the Yonisomanasikarn thinking and the decision of studying graduate school (2) Comparison of Yonisomanasikarn thinking and the decision of studying graduate school and (3) guideline to promote Yonisomanasikarn thinking affecting the decision of studying graduate school faculty of education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya. The qualitative research sample, totaling 9 people and the quantitative research sample, are 80 students studying in the Master's Degree, Faculty of Education. The instrument for collecting data was interviews and questionnaires. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

1) Yonisomanasikarn thinking and decisions affecting decision making at the graduate level, it was found that the perception of truth and finding appropriate solutions to problems. The factors affecting students' admission to graduate studies were divided into 4 categories: 1. utilization factor, 2. financial factor, 3. readiness factor and 4. educational factor.

2) The results of comparing Yonisomanasikarn thinking and the decision of studying graduate school, it was found that age, career, and income were different, making the decision to study in graduate school Overall, there was a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level.

3) The promotion guidelines are searching for factual information in the information about the educational institution you want to study. In addition, to publicize the details of the Faculty of Education curriculum. Identifying the extent of tuition costs Taking successful alumni as one of the role models to encourage decision-making to study at the graduate level of the Faculty of Education.

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