Practicing the Brahmavihāra Dhamma Principles to Improve the Quality of Life of Tha Sai Volunteer Prayer Club, Samut Sakhon Province

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Sumalee Kohsamut
Phramaha Weeratis Varinto
Krittiya Tumtong


This research has objectives as follows: 1) to study the practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles to improve the quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province 2) to Compare the practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles with the development of quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province 3) to present guidelines for the practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles to improve the quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province, This study the researcher used a mixed Method by consisting of quantitative research, using a survey eesearch and the sampling group in Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province 120 preyers, the following results have been found: 1) The roles of abbots in administration according to the Buddhist scriptures can be summarized in 6 roles as follows: The results showed that: 1) The practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles to improve the quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province from the analysis results, It was found that overall, It was at a high level of 4.34 when considering each aspect, namely Mettā (=4.37), Karuṇā (=4.25), Muditā (=4.49), Upekkhā (=4.24) at a high level in All aspects. 2) The results of the analysis of the practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles to improve the quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province classified by sex, age, status, educational level, income, participation in activities, different opinions. Statistically Significant at 0.05 level is not different. Therefore, rejecting the hypothesis individuals with different statuses opinions on the practice of the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles to improve the quality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Provinces are different, Thus, accepting the hypothesis. And 3) The suggestion Guidelines for the Practice of the Brahmavihāra principles to improve the ouality of life of Tha Sai volunteer prayer club Samut Sakhon Province found that; the Brahmavihāra Dhamma principles which consists of Mettā, Karuṇā Muditā, and Upekkhā. It is a principle of the mind, control the mind.

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