Preserving the Identity of the Raman People According to Buddhism in the Community of Wat Songtham, Talat Subdistrict, Phra Pradaeng District Samut Prakan Province

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Phrasamu Theerayut Apipanyo (Daengsorn)
Phramaha Weeratis Warintho
Thawash Homtuanlom


This Article aimed to study 1) the identity of the Ramans.; 2) study the beliefs and rituals of the Raman people; and 3) study the identity of the Ramans according to Buddhism In the community of Wat Song Tham, Talat Subdistrict, Phra Pradaeng District Samut Prakan Province. This research is quality research. Data were analyzed using the triangular technique. write a descriptive narrative. The research results were found as follows; 1) Ramans in Wat Songtham community Samut Prakan Province There is a clear identity, dressing, attending religious ceremonies. The men will wear a red sarong and wear a white shirt, while the women will wear a red sarong with a white lace dress and a shawl over their shoulders. and have a unique language used to communicate with each other 2) Ramans in Wat Songtham community Samut Prakan Province There is a belief that (1) a male child born in Buddhist blood must be ordained. (2) Respecting the ancestors whether you have passed away or are still alive Will bring prosperity to oneself and the family and (3) believe that ghosts are ghosts that protect and protect Therefore, a shrine was built in the village. where people can conveniently come and offer offerings The rituals of the Raman ordination ghost house Dance offerings to Chao Pho Chao Mae only in the area that is a Mon people. ancestor worship holds a family ghost having an offering Making merit for family ancestors 3) Buddhism influenced the Raman community. It can be seen from the belief in karma, love, peace, simplicity, adhering to conservative traditions. It can be seen from the inheritance from the ancestors that they have never been broken. peaceful coexistence to make the descendants continue to inherit until the present.

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