The Study of Identity and Practice Following the Buddhism of Myanmar People in Samutsakhon Province

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Vanida Boonyabut
Sainampung Rattanangam
Thawash Homtuanlom


This research study to the objectives were: 1) to study the identity associated with valuing the practice of Buddhism of the Myanmar people in Samut Sakhon Province; 2) to study the practice method in respect of Buddhism according to the Buddhist of the Myanmar people in Samut Sakhon Province; and 3) to present the identity and the way of practicing Buddhism. of the Myanmar people in Samut Sakhon Province. documentary research and field research, the interview form was used as a tool for collecting data and participating in participatory observation. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 10 key informants: Wat Pa Tha Sai community, Tha Chin Sub-district, Mueang District, and Samut Sakhon Province.

    The results showed that: 1) Myanmar people in Samut Sakhon Province must attend the event no matter how far away they are, they will take a ride to attend the event together as a group. 2) The faith in the sanctity of the power of Buddha, not many Myanmar Buddhists hold prayers as sacred incantations. It is popular to offer prayers while counting the rosary for worship and praying to the holy things that have the Pagoda as such it was observed that Myanmar people make merit with the first goal of happiness in the world. The next one may be for happiness in the next world. But there are many who hope to attain Nirvana. 3) They have their own characteristics, that is the blend of different religions and beliefs that exists in Myanmar. Myanmar Buddhists are similar to Buddhists in general, on the one hand, we may meet Myanmar people who have true knowledge and faith in the principles, and on the other hand, the way of life and follow the Buddhist principles of the Myanmar people in Samut Sakhon Province. All of them adhere to and believe in the monks as an important force that has a great influence on the way of life of the Myanmar people.

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