Creating Consciousness of the Buddhist Youth Human Rights in Educational Institutions in Samut Sakhon Province

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Veena Ruttanasupa
Krittiya Tumtong
Yota Chaiworamankul


The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate the knowledge and understanding of the human rights of youth in educational institutions in Samut Sakhon province 2) to investigate the understanding of Buddhist human rights of youth in educational institutions in Samut Sakhon province and 3) to raise Buddhist human rights awareness of youth in educational institutions in Samut Sakhon Province. This is the qualitative research and the information was collected through in-depth interviews with key informants (8 Populations) by analyzed using descriptive and descriptive data analysis methods. The research results found that (1) Understanding the human rights of youth in educational institutions in Samut Sakhon Province. The youth have knowledge and understanding the human rights and exercise their fundamental rights in education. Including the rights to vote in student council elections, to express one's opinion, and to exercise one's rights in educational institutions, equality in education, the right to use various facilities of the educational institution. (2) An Applying the Buddhist human rights by youth in educational institutions through applying the principles of virtue, righteousness, and ethics. The youth understand how to apply the Dhamma as a guide for practicing human rights. They have learned the principles of the teachings from studying Buddhism in educational institutions and living Buddhism in everyday life. Understand the code of doing good, avoiding evil, and behaving like an ethical person, that is, a person who has compassion for others. 3) Creating Consciousness of the Buddhist Youth Human Rights in Educational Institutions in Samut Sakhon Province. The fact that the youth, as students, use the five precepts, and ethics as a guideline for exercising human rights, is considered to instill a good conscience.

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