Teachers' Opinion Towards the Academic Administration of Schools under the District Office of Prawet, Bangkok

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Attaphon Somnuek
Pavida Tarasrisuthi
Supawadee Lapcharoen


The research aimed to study and compare the teachers' opinion towards the academic administration of schools under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok, classified by educational level, working experience and academic standing. The study sample was consisted of 168 teachers in school under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok selected as the sampling technique through Cohen table. The research instrument in this research is the 5 levels evaluation questionnaires with the confidence value of .977. The data were analyzed through the descriptive statistics, t-test and One-way Analysis of variance and Scheffé's post hoc comparisons method.

The research results were found as follows;

  1. Teachers' opinion towards the academic administration of schools under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok was performed overall and in each individual aspect at a high level.

  2. The comparison of teachers' opinion towards the academic administration of schools under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok as divided by their educational level was different with no statistical significance.

          3.The comparison of teachers' opinion towards the academic administration of schools under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok as divided by their working experience was statistically significant difference at the level of 0.05.

          4.The comparison of teachers' opinion towards the academic administration of schools under the district office of Prawet, Bangkok as divided by their academic standing was statistically significant difference at the level of 0.05.

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