The Development of Mathematics Problem Solving Skill Using Polya Techniques and Bar Model for Sixth Grade Students

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Anuchit Kasirak
Suabsagun Yooyuanyong


The objectives of this research were: 1) to improve lesson plans for the development of problem-solving ability in Mathematics proposition, 2) to compare the learning achievement in Mathematics, 3) to compare the progress toward problem-solving ability in Mathematics proposition, and 4) to survey students’ stratification of development of problem-solving ability in Mathematics proposition by using Polya's problem-solving process, bar model technique of the sixth-grade students. The sample consisted of 35 sixth-grade students at Bandontamlueng School who obtained from purposive sampling, in the second semester of the academic year 2022. This research was pre-experimental research using a one-group pretest-posttest design.

The results of the study revealed that: 1) Lesson plans in the development of problem-solving ability in Mathematics proposition by using Polya's problem-solving process, bar model technique of the sixth-grade students were significantly higher than the criterion (81.69/79.14), 2) Mathematics learning achievement of the sixth-grade students after studying through Polya's problem-solving process with the Bar model was higher at the level of 0.05, 3) Problem-solving ability in Mathematics of the sixth-grade students through Polya's problem-solving process, bar model technique was significantly higher than the criterion (70%), and 4) Students’ stratification toward the development of problem-solving ability in Mathematics proposition by using Polya's problem-solving process, bar model technique; 3 aspects included was at a high level.

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