The Administrator’s Role and Internal Quality Assurance of School Under the Secondary Education Service Aera Office Kanchanaburi

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่Jirapat Luangwattanawilai
Nuchnara Rattanasiraprapha


This purposes of this research were to determine 1) the administrator's roles of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi  2) the Internal quality assurance of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi 3) the relationship between administrator's roles and the Internal quality assurance of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi. The sample consisted of 28 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding administrator's roles, based on the concept of Mintzberg and the Internal quality assurance of schools, based on the concept of Office of the Basic Education Commission. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The finding of this research was as follow; 1. The administrator's roles of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi, overall and each perspective, was found at a highest level, sorting from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean as follows: interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. 2. The Internal quality assurance of schools under under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi, overall and each perspective, was found at a highest level, sorting from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean as follows: have a self-evaluation, define our educational standards Maintain high performance in accordance with academic norms,  create a plan to control our educational development, manage our educational development and assess and examine the educational quality offered by the various institutions. 3. The relationship between the administrator's roles The Internal quality assurance of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi was in the high level at the .01 level of significance.

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