A Study of Using the Gamification Affecting the Motivation to Improve English Reading Comprehension Skills of Third Grade Students

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Natthita Juanrung
Anongnad Petchprasert


The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of the gamification if it affected the third grade students motivation to improve their English reading comprehension skills. The sample of this research include thirty-one primary school students at Amnuaykanoksirianusorn school under the Bangna District Office Bangkok in the second semester of the 2022 academic year, selected through the use of the purposive sampling method. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percent, mean, and standard deviation. The research results of a study of using the gamification affecting the motivation to improve English reading comprehension skills of grade 3 students were that overall, at a high level the top 3 items of the reported learning atmosphere were free, warm, and relaxed. The teacher’s friendliness with the students encouraged students to fully express themselves in the language. Besides, the amount of reading activity content was appropriate.

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