Buddhist Women’s Rights in Thai Society

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Arinchaithat Senaratbamrung
Sainumpung Rattanangam


This research paper, the objectives aim to study 1) women's rights as they appeared in Buddhist scriptures 2) women's rights in Buddhism in Thailand 3) to study and analyze Thai women's rights and find solutions. Use survey research methodologies by analyzing the data from the document and presenting the research results in a descriptive way, the results revealed that: 1. Women as appear in Tripitaka have high ethical potential and have different nationalities, families, characters, and attainments according to their ascendancy, set in morality, she is a laywoman who has attained the Triple Gem. Help maintain dharma by paying attention to the practice of dharma. 2. The resolution of the Sangha still blocks the rights of women in Thailand under Buddhism. The right to be ordained as a nun in Thai society has ceased to exist. Therefore, women are in the position of laymen. People who support and promote Buddhism as one of the Buddhist companies 4 and 3. An analytical study of Thai Women's Rights The context of Thai society aims to improve the rights of religious women. Buddhism has a spiritual influence and produce good results in intellectual equality, which women can bring to develop the mind and elevate one's intellect to a higher level until attainment.

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