Guidelines for Learning Management about the 4 Noble Truths for Early Childhood

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Ratchanee Nokthet
Patwalee Nimnuan


The objective of this research article is to present the guidelines on learning management about the Four Noble Truths for early childhood. The Four Noble Truths consist of Dukkha; the truth of suffering or uneasiness, Samudaya; the cause of suffering, Nirodha; the cessation of suffering, and Magga; the Noble Eightfold Path to the cessation of suffering. These Four Noble Truths are important teachings in Buddhism. They are valuable substances that should be instilled in Buddhists from an early age. In this article, the author has studied, researched, analyzed and synthesized the Four Noble Truths together with educational concepts and theories. This is to obtain guidelines on learning management about the Four Noble Truths which correspond to the physical, emotional, social, mental and intellectual development of early childhood. The author has presented examples of the language use and simple words to explain the meaning of the dharmic principle to suit the children language development. The author has also presented examples of simple activities that early childhood education teachers will be able to put into practice and create a foundation of understanding of the Four Noble Truths to early childhood.

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