The Relationship Between Human Resource Management and Effectiveness of School Under Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Thisinaporn Pamornsoot
Sakdipan Tanwimonrat


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) Human Resource Management Under the Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 2) Effectiveness of school under the Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 3) The relationship between human resource management and school effectiveness Under the Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample group was 79 Schools Educational service area office mentioned. The tool used for collecting data was an opinionnaire based on Dessler’s concept, for effectiveness of school based on Lunenburg and Ornstein’s concept. The statistics used were analyzed by using the calculation of frequency, percentage, and middle arithmetic standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of this research were as follow: 1. Human resource management in educational institutions Under the Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was the highest level when considering each aspect, it was found that it was at the highest level of 7 items. The arithmetic mean ranking from maximum to minimum were as follows; Appraisal Performance, Personnel Planning and Recruitment, Managing Careers and Fair Treatment, Compensating Employees, Managing Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, Testing and Selecting Employees, Training and Developing Employees and Protecting and it was a high level of 1 items, Safety and Health. 2. Effectiveness of school in the educational service area office mentioned was the highest level when considering each aspect, it was found that was the highest level in all aspects. The arithmetic mean ranking from maximum to minimum were as follows; Positive home-school relations, instruction leadership, High time on task, A safe and orderly environment, A clear school mission, A climate of high expectation and Frequent monitoring of student progress. 3. The relationship between human resource management and effectiveness of school educational service area office mentioned were medium correlation, with significantly at .01

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