Hermaphrodites and Benightment in Theravada Buddhist Philosophical Point of view

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Kriensak Sirisakko (Srichot)


In this article, the author presents some arguments against some Theravada Buddhist scholars. Who had a view towards the Chancellor that he could not attain enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism; this group of scholars claimed that Paṇḍaka (eunuch, hermaphrodite) were a group of people with thick passions. It's the result of past lives. Those who cannot teach Making it impossible to attain Dhamma in this life but the author proposed that if explained through a philosophical perspective, In particular, the use of metaphysical interpretations of human nature and human reality, such as the four elements, five-aggregate, in the viewpoint of Theravada Buddhist philosophy. It will be found that the Paṇḍaka can attain Dhamma as well as male and female because, in metaphysics, Buddhism views all human beings, regardless of true male and female or group of Paṇḍaka; there is a nature of humanity that is not different. And that nature is the fundamental truth that every human being, regardless of gender, can access and understand with his intelligence. Access to nature and the reality of life.

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