Components and Indicators of the Quality of Life of People Khlong Samrong Community, Songkhla Province

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Jakathon Surisang
Somkiat Saithanu
Taweesak Puttasukee


This article aims was study the components and indicators of the quality of life of people at Khlong Samrong community, Songkhla province. It is a combination of qualitative research methods with quantitative research methods by in-depth interviews with 18 knowledgeable people who have experience in the quality of life of people at the Khlong Samrong community, Songkhla province, as well as organizing a community forum with 200 villager’s representatives to reflect their views on the quality of life problems of the community. Khlong Samrong Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was then used to analyze the components and indicators of people's quality of life. By studying from a sample of 350 people, the sample group was determined by the Yamane formula. Proportional stratified random sampling using the community database and using a non-refundable lottery method. The tool used was a 5-point estimation scale questionnaire with a reliability of .929. The research results, it was found that; Components and indicators of the quality of life of the people Khlong Samrong community, Songkhla province. There are 5 components that can explain the variance of all indicators at 64.33%. Components 1-5 have eigen values of 14.01, 6.72, 4.96, 4.09 and 2.95 respectively. 1) The role of the unit Government jobs and community leaders Khlong Samrong Community, Songkhla Province, there were 9 indicators with component weights ranging from .858-.635. 2) Electricity, Water Supply and Management had 7 indicators, with component weights ranging from .860-.657. 3) There were 6 Community economic system Indicators have component weight values ranging from .783-.694 4) Residential have 7 indicators with component weight values ranging from .887-.581 and 5) Public utility systems have 5 indicators with component weight values ranging from .807-. 552.

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