The Guideline for Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Phathalung
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current and desirable conditions for Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools 2) to study the needs and requirements for the development of Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools and 3) to study problems, suggestions, and guidelines for developing of Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools. The sample group was teachers in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Phathalung. the sample size was determined by comparing the proportions from Table of Craigie and Morgan. The sample group was 292 people and 6 key informants. The research tool was a questionnaire and an in-depth interview. There was a confidence value of the questionnaire using the confidence value formula of the entire questionnaire equal to .940. Data were analyzed to find statistical values, namely, frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation and analyze the priorities of the necessary needs with the PNImodified.. The research findings revealed that: 1. The current of Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Phathalung at a high level (= 4.18, SD =0.63) and desirable condition at the highest level (= 4.61, SD =0.63). 2. The need for the development of the implementation of Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Phathalung was PNI modified= 0.09. In terms of student screening, the PNI modified index was the first. (PNI modified = 0.14). 3. Guidelines for developing the Operation Development on Student Support System in Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Phathalung, consisting of
5 aspects: 1) 1) Individual Student should promote and support the work of teacher advisors. 2) Student screening should be determined Standardized screening criteria. 3) Support and development of students should be encouraged for students to achieve inclusive development for all student groups. 4) Defense and solve student problems should be cooperation from all group involved established. And 5) Transfer should be built to network or team to diversify.
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