The Excellence of Strategies Administration Model for The Sub-District Quality School Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Siwaporn Nawawongsanun
Phramaha Kraiwan Jinadattiyo


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the components of strategic management for excellence of the sub-district quality school 2) to assess and certify the strategic management for excellence model of the sub-district quality school. The mixed method research was used in the study. The data were collected from 1,104 samples of 368 sub-district quality school. The samples consisted of school directors, teachers, and basic education board. The research instruments were document analysis form, the unstructured interview, a questionnaire and Checklist. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) through statistical computer package. The research’s findings were as follows: 1. The components of the Excellence of Strategic Administration Model for the Sub - district quality School from concepts, theories, papers, texts, research works and related sources and then analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) found that the factor loading was 0.50 - 0.71, in descending order of element weight could be consisted of 5 components; 1) Human Resource Management 2) Information technology system management 3)Directional management 4) Environment Management 5) Strategic Development Management. 2. The Excellence of Strategic Administration Model for the Sub - district quality School consisting of 5 important components was found possible, accurate, appropriate, and practical in compliance.

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