Evaluation of Energy and Environmental Conservation Program of 2 Ratchananthajarn Samsenwittayalai School

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Krisana Khotyotha
Pikul Ekwarangkoon
Warunee Lapanachokdee


This research aims to evaluate the school energy and environmental conservation project at 2Ratchananthajarn Samsenwittayalai School. It consists of three aspects: 1) the congruence, suitability, readiness, and adequacy of the project's input/resources related to energy and environmental conservation in the school, 2) the appropriateness of the activities within the project, including identifying problems, obstacles, and problem-solving strategies, and 3) the outcomes of the project's implementation in terms of production and results. The research population includes school administrators, teachers in charge of the project, teachers, students, and parents. The data collection tools consist of interviews, questionnaires on energy and environmental conservation awareness, satisfaction with the project, and data recording forms. Data analysis involves frequency, percentage, and content analysis. The evaluation findings indicate that in terms of the project's input/resources, there is a high level of congruence, suitability, readiness, and adequacy, meeting the evaluation criteria for all three aspects. Regarding the implementation of various activities within the project, they are deemed appropriate, meeting the evaluation criteria for both aspects, namely adherence to the planned activities and effective problem-solving. Regarding the project's outcomes, it is observed that all objectives of the project are achieved, as students and teachers demonstrate knowledge, appreciation, and behavior in energy and environmental conservation at a high level. Additionally, stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers in charge of the project, teachers, students, and parents, express a high level of satisfaction with the project, and there is a noticeable reduction in electricity and water consumption, as well as a decrease in waste generation.

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