The Supervision Process of The Administrator and Educational Quality of District Learning Encouragement Centers in The Central Region
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The objectives of this research were to determine 1) administrator’s supervision process of district learning encouragement centers in the central region 2) educational quality of district learning encouragement centers in the central region and 3) the relationship between administrator’s supervision process and educational quality of district learning encouragement centers in the central region. The sample of this research consists 132 of district learning encouragement centers in the central region. The two respondents from each district learning encouragement centers consists of a director or acting director and a teacher, with the total of 264. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding administrator’s supervision process, based on the concept of Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education and educational quality, based on the concept of Announcement of the Ministry of Education, Thailand. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient. The research findings revealed that: 1) Administrator’s supervision process for district learning encouragement centers in the central region as a whole was at the high level. The arithmetic mean ranking for each factor from the highest to the lowest were as follows; the plans of supervision and options defining, the study of current problems and needs, the process of supervision, the conclusion of supervision and the creation of supervision tools, respectively 2) Educational quality of district learning encouragement centers in the central region as a whole was at the high level. The arithmetic mean ranking for each factor from the highest to the lowest were as follows; quality of centers management, quality of education management and the quality of learners/service receiver, respectively and 3) The relationship between administrator’s supervision process and educational quality of district learning encouragement centers were in a high correlation with a significance level at .01.
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