The Project Evaluation of Business Incubation Center in Education Institutions through Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in a Private Vocational Education Institution in Bangkok

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Gunyarat Thepsamran
Sareeya Chotitham
Thananun Thanarachataphoom


This research aimed to conduct the project evaluation of Business Incubation Center in education institutions through the sufficiency economy philosophy, consisting of input evaluation, operational process evaluation, and outcome evaluation. The evaluation was conducted through systems approach and summative evaluation. Key informants were 5 educational administrators, 21 teachers and 20 students. Data were collected using an interview for administrators, questionnaires for teachers and students and data recording form. The results indicated as follows: 1. For Input, overall, the evaluation result was at a high level or above and passed the evaluation criteria according to the criteria specified for all 4 indicators. 2. For Operational Process, there were 3 indicators in total, 2 of which passed the evaluation criteria according to the specified criteria and one indicator did not pass the evaluation criteria, which was the sufficiency of the project public relations channels. The channels of public relations of the project were not enough to inform teachers and students. 3. For Outcome, there were 5 indicators in total, 3 indicators passed the evaluation criteria according to the specified criteria and 2 indicators did not pass the criteria, namely having entrepreneurial skills in 5 areas, consisting of 1) Business planning techniques, 2) Management, 3) Finance, 4) Marketing, and 5) Communication. In addition, participating students did not have as many operational experiences. For satisfaction with the project implementation, students needed the project to explore member needs to choose activities.

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