A Study of Factors Affecting Second-Year Students’ Attitudes Towards Learning English at Narathiwat Technical College

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Asreena Hayeema


This study aimed to investigate English learning attitudes of second-year vocational students and to determine factors affecting the students’ English learning attitudes. This was survey research. The respondents were second-year students at Narathiwat Technical College, Princess of Naradhiwas University year of 2022. The research instrument was a questionnaire with open-ended questions. The results revealed that students had positive attitudes towards learning English. If students have a positive learning approach, they can learn those subjects effectively. Also, factors that affect learning English consist of two factors. The first one was the factor of students. The result showed a high level indicating the awareness of the use of English around the world as well as foreseen the importance of the English language greatly. Second, it was the factor of future work. Students reported that they could apply their knowledge and realized benefits of English they could gain in the future. It was found that all items were at a high level. Especially, benefits of English would especially help them to have more opportunities than those who were less proficient in English. English may be used in a workplace and still requires communication in English.

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