Driving of Dhamma’s Doctrine in Buddhism and Anti-Corruption Education at The Sangha Administration Region 1

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Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Phramaha Yongyut Dhiradhammo
Suthep Promlert
Wisarin Charmphunoth
Napapat Ngambutsabongsophin


This research article has three objectives: (1) to study the principles of Buddhist teachings related to preventing and suppressing corruption; (2) To study the anti-corruption education  related to preventing and suppressing corruption. (3) To promote the principles of Buddhist teachings with the anti-corruption education in the Sangha Administrative Region 1. It is a quantitative research survey to the results were analyzed from 700 monks in the Sangha Administrative Region 1. The research results found that the Buddhist teachings that are used to prevent and suppress corruption, they are 4 Padhàna or the Four Great Efforts, consist of (1) Sangwara Padhàna (effort to prevent) (2) Pahàna Padhàna (effort to abandon) (3) Bhàvana Padhàna (effort to develop) (4) Anurakkhanà Padhàna (effort to maintain). These principles of 4 Padhàna can be divided into 2 processes: the process of stopping and extinguishing the corruption problem by using Sangwara Padhàna and Pahàna Padhàna, and the process of creating a culture of honesty through the use of Bhàvana Padhàna and Anurakkhanà Padhàna. As for Anti-Corruption Education, there are 4 sections, consist of (1) Synthesis Thinking between individual interests and public interests (2) moral shame and moral dread, non-cooperation in corruption (3) sufficient  mentality resists corruption with the STRONG model (4) population and social responsibility. This anti-corruption education will integrate the principles of 4 Padhàna so that they can be used in society to combat corruption. A moving the principles of Buddhist teachings and the anti-corruption education in the Sangha Administration Region 1.

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