Factor Analysis of The School Administrator’s Characteristics the New Era Under the Ratchaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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Kittisak Tekjinda
Oraphan Toujinda
Duangiai Chanasid


The purposes of this study were to study: Analyzing the characteristics of modern school administrators under Ratchaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The research is divided into 2 phases as follows: 1) Study documents and interview 6 educational institution administrators, obtained through purposive selection according to specified criteria. The research tools used were semi-structured interviews. 2) Analyze the characteristics of modern school administrators. By asking 300 administrators and teachers using a stratified random sampling method distributed according to the size of the educational institution. Research tools include questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis include frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations. and composition analysis. The findings of the research were as follows: Component the school administrator’s characteristics the new era under Ratchaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. There are 8 main components consisting of 1: Relationships with others has 4 sub-variables, with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 5.598. 2: innovation and technology, has 4 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 5.598. 3: Adaptation has 3 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 5.491. 4: Morality and Ethics has 4 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 5.439. 5 : Discipline and Personality has 4 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 4.565. 6 : Intelligence has 3 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 4.316. 7: Learning has 3 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 4.109. 8: Emotional Intelligence, has 3 sub-variables with a total percentage of explainable variance equal to 3.452. which can explain 63.000% of the total covariance.

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