A Study of Fundamental Data to Develop a Physical Activity Management Model for Undergraduate Students

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Watcharin Semamon
Rachadaporn Tantikul


The research aimed to study fundamental data to develop a physical activity management model for undergraduate students. The target group used in this research is physical education teachers and experts. The research instrument was an interview form. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The research results indicated that physical activities in educational institutions were still few, not diverse, outdated, and excluded the overall needs of students nowadays. Then, the physical activities of most students were their daily routine. Also, only some of them play sports in their free time. Therefore, the development of physical activity formats should include activities in various forms, diverse, modern, and challenging. Moreover, it should cover the interests, needs, and lifestyles of students while allowing all students to participate happily. It should focus on holistic development, including physical, emotional, social, intellectual, moral, and ethical qualities. In addition, those activities must be organized continuously and concretely.

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