Effectiveness of development of work potential of Village health volunteer, resident doctor, Phang Nga Province

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Sattra Katkeaw


This article aims to study the potential development process village health volunteers, Phang Nga Province, to study the performance potential of Village health volunteers, resident doctors, Phang Nga Province, and to study suggestions for potential development Village health village doctor, Phang Nga Province. This research is quantitative research. There is a sample group, which is selected from the population. The sample size was calculated using Taro Yamane's formula, resulting in a sample size of 317 people. The results of the study have found that the overall potential development of village health volunteers and resident doctors was at a high level. When I separated into each area, it was found that the attitude development aspect was at the highest level, the skills development aspect was at a high level and knowledge development is at a high level. When I analyze the data, it was found that in terms of knowledge development, it was found that the overall development was at a high level. In the district with the highest score was Takua Pa District, Thai Mueang District and Takua Thung District. The district that received the lowest score was Kapong District. As the results of the analysis of knowledge development, the highest achievement was receiving additional training and knowledge that are diverse and appropriate for work, continuous knowledge and practice in providing public health services at the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital/Community Hospital. In finally, the lowest score was learning according to sub-activities.

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