A Study of Implementing of The Needs Learning Loss Measures in Schools Under the Supervision of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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The objectives of this research article are to 1) study the current conditions and desired conditions of the implementation of measures to reverse the learning recession in educational institutions. Under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1 2) Study the needs in implementing measures to revive the learning recession in educational institutions. Under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, the research sample numbered 290 people, with the proportion determined to be 44 administrators and 246 teachers. The tool used to collect this data was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with content validity between 0.60 - 1.00 and a confidence value of 0.986. Statistics used in data analysis included: Frequency distribution, percentage, average, prioritization of needs (Priority Need Index: PNI) and content analysis (content analysis) by writing a description. The results of the study found that: 1. Current condition and desired condition in 7 measures according to the opinions of school administrators found that: 1.1 The overall current condition is at a high level. When considering each aspect by arranging the average values from highest to lowest, the first two are: Measure 5: Creating a good attitude towards learning and good health of learners, both physical and mental health. Measure 2: Providing welfare. Safety and Morale, 1.2 Overall desirable conditions are at a high level. When considering each aspect by average level from highest to lowest, the first two are: Measure 5: Create a positive attitude towards learning and good health of learners, both physical and mental health. Measure 2: Provide safety welfare and create morale 2. Overall needs. It was found that the top 3 areas with highest to lowest needs were: Measure 6: Upgrading learning management by using technology in a systematic and efficient manner. Measure 2: Empowering development. Teachers and educational institution administrators.
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