The Buddha: A Role Model for Mastery in Coaching

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Phra Woot Sumedho (Tongmun)


This article aims to present the concept of coaching as it appears in the Buddhist scriptures, using relevant literature and research. The findings reveal that the definitions, philosophies, characteristics, qualities, and examples of coaching are already embedded within Buddhism. Despite the current ambiguity and confusion surrounding the definition of coaching-which has led the International Coaching Federation (ICF), recognized as the largest professional coaching organization in the world; to propose a standardized definition, this study highlights the parallels between Western approaches to mental and emotional care and those found in Buddhism. However, this article focuses on the concrete examples that have been systematically documented, emphasizing on the goal of helping the Coachee (the person recieving coaching) transcend suffering and achieve true happiness. This process relies on the Coach (service provider), who embodies wisdom, purity, and compassion, facilitating the Coachee's growth and leading to outcomes that extend beyond visible benefits into intangible advantages. Such individuals are not only able to reach their full potential but can also transform into disciples of the Buddha, spreading peace and happiness to those around them as agents of change. As a result, The Buddha is portrayed as the perfect model of Mastery, the highest level of coaching), providing both personal fulfillment and the capacity to benefit others, who in turn support and uplift their communities, creating a peaceful and harmonious society. In light of this, the Buddha can be seen as the ultimate role model for modern professional coaches, both within the context of Buddhism and in the broader global coaching practice.

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