Relationship between Herzberg’s Motivators and Hygiene Factors and Freight Forwarder Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction in Thai Company

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Korrakot Vanakornkul
Warangkanang Sakulwong Lee Yan


This research aimed to studying the relation between two factors, motivators and hygiene factors, in Herzberg’s theory and job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction of Thai freight forwarders’ employees. The research results were found that the motivation factors - Achievement, Responsibility, Advancement/ Possibility of growth, and hygiene factors – Company policy and administration, Supervision-technical, Work conditions, Salary, Status, Security and Personal life, had the positive correlations with job satisfaction. The motivation factors – Achievement, Work Itself, Responsibility, and hygiene factors – Company policy and administration, Supervision-technical, Interpersonal relations, Salary, Status, and Security, had the negative correlations with job dissatisfaction

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Vanakornkul, K., & Sakulwong Lee Yan, W. (2019). Relationship between Herzberg’s Motivators and Hygiene Factors and Freight Forwarder Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction in Thai Company. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 38(4), 38–51. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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