An Analysis of Thai Tourists’ Motivation for Visiting a Cultural Road: A Case Study of Ladyai Cultural Road, Phuket Province

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Nimit Soonsan


This research aimed to analyze elements of motivation behind visiting Ladyai Cultural Road. The sample consisted of 424 Thai visitors. The research instrument was questionnaire and the data was examined via exploratory factor analysis. The results showed that there were: 1) two dimensions of pull factor: localness and facilities; and 2) three dimensions of push factor: self-fulfillment, novelty-seeking, and routine evasion. Stakeholders can use the research results to strengthen the management of Ladyai cultural road and make the place more outstanding.


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How to Cite
Soonsan, N. (2019). An Analysis of Thai Tourists’ Motivation for Visiting a Cultural Road: A Case Study of Ladyai Cultural Road, Phuket Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(2), 16–31. retrieved from
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