Factors Affecting the Elderly Work in Thailand
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The purpose of this article aims to present the situation of elderly work and analyze factors affecting the elderly’s work in Thailand, used data form Labor Force Survey 2020 Quarter 3: July-September 2020 and Household Socio-Economic Survey 2020, using the binary logistic regression. The results indicate that the participation rate of the elderly has declined, Older people’s jobs do not require skills. The probability for the elderly to work increased significantly with male, age, married, household debt, while age-squared, education, urban, civil servant medical benefit scheme and the elderly support ratio had a negative effect on the probability to work, the probability that the elderly do not work decreased significantly with age-squared education area. Therefore, Incentives for elderly female worker such as tax exemption, suitable legal protection for older worker, financial incentives for the elderly will keep the potential elderly still working, this will increase the number of older workers to drive the economy.
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