
  • He Haoyang Chinese Graduate Students


brand personality;Brand beloved;Electronic word-of-mouth;Consumer personality;Pay for knowledge;


         In the 21st century, in the business world, brand strategy is the only way of enterprise development;With the development of the Internet and people's continuous thirst for knowledge, the knowledge paying industry has emerged in China's Internet.In the field of knowledge payment with increasing competition, the effect of "famous brand" is undoubtedly huge;It not only increases product value, but also increases consumer engagement.On this basis, the relationship between Brand love and word of mouth (WOM) is discussed.The results show that Internet brands have distinct brand personalities. When consumers keep their own personalities consistent with their brand personalities, they can generate good brand love, and then promote the formation of electronic word of mouth (eWOM).In addition, consumers sharing their brand experience can effectively enhance the formation and spread of e-word of mouth.


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How to Cite

Haoyang, H. . (2024). RESEARCH ON INFLUENCING FACTORS OF BRAND REPUTATION OF INTERNET KNOWLEDGE PAYMENT. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 9(4), 193–205. retrieved from



Research Article