A model for solving the crisis of Thai monk’s faith on Buggalappasãtasutta

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damrong Sampawong
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno


This article aims to present a model for solving the crisis of faith in monks on Buggalappasãtasutta. by using studies from documents Related books and articles the study found that Buddhists should not be attached to themselves. or sacred objects to adhere to the true Dharma If the person is seized When a monk makes a mistake, moves a monastery, passes away, and dies, he will not pay attention to the Sangha. And the Sangha should supervise those who are ordained to be in the framework of the Dharma and Discipline, to supervise their conduct so that they do not go outside the Dharma outside the Discipline. in order to prevent critics for negative image that will occur in the future. The four companies of Buddhism should believe in the true Dharma. Train yourself by teaching the Buddha Dharma to understand fully. Look at benefits as virtues that will occur more than personal interests. A person should have faith and wisdom. see the truth before believing should be neutral not too greedy Faith coupled with wisdom. Confidently bring the Buddha Dharma to refine one's mind When there is news of some monks in the negative, we should look at ourselves that we are not perfect yet we still need to train ourselves. Make your mind free from 4 prejudices, stay with yourself, look at yourself, purify yourself.

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