A Critical Studies in the Law of Kamma and the Attainment of the Dhamma in the Theravada Buddhist Scripture

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Athithep Phatha


The doctrines of karma are considered to be related to the attainment of Dhamma or the ultimate goal of religion. In every dimension of Indian religion and philosophy, there are teachings on the subject of karma. And karma can affect the ultimate attainment of own religion. In the Theravada Buddhism is the same. It teaches that an act of will was considered to be a virtuous act and that action such as good deed, or good deed were able to evolve into a discharge from the ethic or Circulation dead. The result of study found that the attainment of the disciples of the disciples or even the Buddha himself was not caused by the actions or karma in this world, but because of karma or actions in the past. So many of them were able to be the result or the total to achieve the cause of this world.

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