The role of Vietnamese Buddhists in patronizing Buddhism in Nong Khai Province

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Athithep Phatha


Vietnamese people were originally out of place and the territory was self-governing thousands of years ago. Later, when developed into a urban and unified community, it was later compiled as a part of China and intervened by France and America causing a political war that caused people in the nation to evacuate. Outside the territory itself to find a land that is safe And Thailand or the Kingdom of Thailand is one area that is safe for Vietnamese people. Until the end, when the war broke out, evidence was established in Thailand, especially the northeast region. And Nong Khai Province is another province that has a lot of Vietnamese people living The immigration to the city of Nong Khai of Vietnamese people is mainly located in Tha Bo district and Nong Khai town. When Vietnamese people migrated to Nong Khai, then their cultural identity was integrated. Meaning to be patient And what is sincere, doing really, really Especially in matters of Buddhism Many Vietnamese people turned to Buddhism and gave patronage in many aspects of Nong Khai province.

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