Assessment of Supervision Projects Within Educational Institutions Nongreeprachanimit School under the Secondary Educational Service Office Kanchanaburi

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Mutita Eamtip


The purposes of this research were to evaluate the supervision projects within educational institutions Nongreeprachanimit school. The research staff conducted by using the CIPPI Model. The data collected by using a questionnaire on opinions of those involved in the supervision project in schools namely administrators, Board of Basic Education Institutions, teachers, and students. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows:

Context was appropriate at the highest level. The activities are consistent with the needs of the teachers. The project is consistent with the policies of the school and the parent organization. The project activities are in line with the school's needs. In terms of import factors, they are appropriate at a high level. Teachers have the knowledge and abilities according to learning management structure There is a clear and concrete project implementation calendar and there is a sufficient number of personnel to carry out project activities. The process aspect is appropriate at the highest level. Instructors and supervisors exchange knowledge with each other about teaching and learning management. Supervisors reflect results for development to meet the goals of teachers. Teachers receive feedback that is useful for the development of teaching and learning management. The productivity aspect is appropriate at a high level. Instructors have developed the ability to manage learning according to the field of study. Teachers have a variety of teaching and learning management styles. and has guidelines for teaching and learning that focus on learners. And the impact aspect was appropriate at a high level. Parents and the community were satisfied with the teaching management development process. Create a community of professional learning at the classroom level. Students are satisfied with the teacher's teaching and learning management.

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