MakeeShop's Sales Style in Online Shopping Culture

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Kanyanat Rergwitee
Sombat Somsriploy


The objective of this research articles is to study MarkeeShop's sales style in online shopping culture. by studying from the MakeeShop in Platform Facebook account name MakeeShop by selecting 3 live clips with more than 500,000 views, the results of the study found that MakeeShop's sales style in online shopping culture It appears that there are 3 types and analyzed using the concept of verbal style, which are: Casual style, Intimate style, Consultative style, Frozen style and Formal style. The results of the study found that 1) Casual style, including the use of pronouns to call customers and self-Using repetitions to emphasize the customer and the use of comfortable spoken language for short, easy-to-understand, showing friendliness to the customers. 2) Intimate speech, such as the use of slang words that are rarely found in the products of MakeeShop. The use of suffixes, which is the highlight of the seller when talking about the product. and the use of words known to specific groups to communicate knowledge between buyers and sellers. And 3) Consultative style, used in professional conversations Q&A between customer and seller using the Internet as a medium to build intimacy sociability and discussing and agreeing on purchasing products through applications, all 3 types of speech, are important to the culture of selling products online as well.

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