An Analytical Study of Concept of Medicine in Tripitaka

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Jantra Briggs
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno


This article entitled to analyze of concept of medicine in Tripitaka. This is qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that concept of medicine came from a mechanistic view believed that the mind and body were separate parts. Medical treatment is primarily a matter of the body, but the healing in the Tripitaka was born through to use of herbs. Although Medicines are the treatment of diseases in that era. There is also a body treatment to make the body light and comfortable, no suffering from various diseases. In the other hand, holistic healing is the view that the mind and body are related, so it’s related. By the way, the present healing is found through cultural connections inherited from the past, such as Thai traditional medicine, while in the Tripitaka it is considered to heal the mind of Dhamma as healing the body. This approach is the healing of the mind through consideration of the natural reality of the body itself without control and suffering. Therefore, it accepts and makes the mind above the body. When you’re sick, you can cure by yourself.

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Academic Articles


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