Development of Professional Learning Community Model to Improve Competency on Active Learning Management of Secondary School Teachers
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This is a Research and Development Research. The objectives of this research were 1) to develop professional learning community model to improve competency on active learning management of secondary school teachers 2) to examine professional learning community model to improve competency on active learning management of secondary school teachers using Mixed Methods Research approach, designing the research as an embedded design through studying qualitative method and supporting with quantitative method. The target group were 2 school administrators, 8 heads of subject department and 5 qualified experts. The research instruments consisted of documentary analysis form, structured interview, and innovation evaluation form. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation. and content analysis. The research showed that:
- The professional learning community model to improve competency on active learning management for secondary school teachers consisted of 6 components: 1. Principles 2. Objectives 3. Processes which included 1) Consider 2) Action 3) Reflect and 4) Evaluation 4. Evaluation 5. Conditions, and 6. Contributing Factors
- The result of the examination of the professional learning community model to improve competency on active learning management of secondary school teachers as a whole was at the highest level (= 4.53, S.D.= 0.47)
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