Motivation Factor, Hygiene Factor and Happiness in Work Affecting Organizational Commitment of Dong Huan Primary School Teachers, Yuzhou District, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, People’s Republic of China

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Shiyue Huang
Napawan Netpradit


This article aimed to study the importance of the motivation factors, the hygiene factors, the happiness in work and the organization commitment of teachers at Donghuan Primary School, Yuzhou District, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, the People's Republic of China. And to study the motivation factors, hygiene factors, happiness in work affecting organization commitment of teachers at Donghuan Primary School, Yuzhou District, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, the People's Republic of China. The educational population was 221 teachers at the school. This study was a survey study. The study tool was a questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed by both descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation, and inferential statistic were used multiple regression to analyze with Enter selection.

The study results were found as follows;

          1) That teachers attach great importance to all factors, which can be divided

into the following categories: hygiene factors, organization commitment, happiness in work and motivation factors.

          2) Happiness in work has the greatest impact on organizational commitment, followed by hygiene factors, which is statistically significant. 0.001.

          The study results will be helpful to school management. Provide teachers with a commitment to the school and commit to school development and further education.

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